KASPR Datahaus’ Global Internet Pressure Map shows the effect of covid19 on local Internet Infrastructure.

The map was created using measurements on the differences in the speed of internet packets traveling between the US and destinations regions reveal the pressure of the new tele-work reality.

We took billions of speed measurements globally during the Saturday 01 Feb 2020 to Friday 14 Feb 2020 as a baseline, and then again during the Monday 13 Apr 2020 to Tuesday 14 Apr 2020 period, a time when many countries had major lock-downs in place.

Specifically we focus on regions within countries having at least 100 confirmed Covid-19 as of Friday March 13, since these are the most likely to have undertaken significant social distancing activities.

By comparing the percentage change between the baseline and the recent or ‘lockdown’ speed measurement, we can get a measure of the “Internet pressure” being applied by the lock-down period as everyone stays at home, online.

More information can be found here

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Here you can download the underlying data

Internet Pressure Data ADM1 - 16/04/2020