Monitoring Internet shutdowns and disruptions in real-time, globally.

Strategic Partnerships

KASPR Datahaus provides international organizations such as the Office of the United Nations High Comissoner for Human Rights with data about Internet shutdowns and anomalies.

Case Study: Myanmar 2021: Documenting the Military’s Internet Shutdown Toolkit with Alternative Data

Free internet access was the first casualty of the coup. Together with the Monash IP Observatory, KASPR Datahaus collated our remote measurements on how it was lost.

Here you can find a summary report of our analysis.

Reuters also wrote a fantastic story about Myanmar’s internet suppression that used our data.

Read the article

Through our cooperation with the Monash IP Observatory, we also provided the Washington Post team with raw, observation-level data, precisely geo-located to the centre of Bago city, Mynamar, in the weeks around a massacre.

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